One thing that has recently caught my attention was a Computerworld article I read about using social networking for job hunting. I had read in the Charlotte Observer where some people landed a job through their tweets on Twitter. I even came across a website called TweetMyJobs which connects job candidates and recruiters.
I'm sure most people view social networking as something fun where you connect with friends and family and make new friends but how many people actually use it for networking and job opportunities? How will this affect job hunting in the future? Will using these tools and getting your name out there give you the competitive edge? I'm sure if depends on your field too.
Using social networking online actually makes a lot of sense to me, especially from an employer's point of view. I mean think about it:
You have the chance to read about the experiences and accomplishments of someone online. They create a website or complete a project and post information about it and you are impressed. Then you read their thoughts on their blog and follow their tweets. You like the person’s philosophy and from what you can tell they have a decent work ethic and seem knowledgeable. The more you get to know them online and see who they know, what they know, what they are doing, what they have done, what they want to do, and what they think you have found a perfect candidate for a job. There is only so much you can learn from a person by reading a resume or by conducting an interview. However, by networking online and seeing their online persona will definitely give you a better idea of who they are.
I have heard all about but I just now decided to join it to see what happens. I’m not currently looking for a job but I would like to network and I will be looking for one sometime in the future once I graduate and besides, it would be cool to network with others in my field. Here is my profile in case anyone is interested.
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