In the midst of all the chaos, my mission is to make sense of the thousands of technological tools that can be used in education. Do you care to join me in the adventure?
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Monday, June 22, 2009
Capstone Project and Random Thoughts
As I was thinking about a Capstone project I have to do for a class, I was thinking really hard about how I can incorporate so many Web 2.0 tools into it and link them all together. With that thinking and planning I had an a-ha moment. For example, I could use Wordle in a different way. I could upload some text/paragraph about a topic and have students guess what it is about. Or with Twitter, it won't just be another boring "What I'm doing at the moment type of thing". I could relay pertinent information while we plan the trip such as tips, tools, things I found to look up, travel info, new information about trip, etc. Then while we are there we could use it to tell what we are doing, where we are, etc. to keep everyone at home informed. I would love to use Ning so students can have a space online to share their experiences and knowledge. Before the trip it would be important that students know where they are going and to learn about the place more so using Google Earth and Google Sightseeing, YouTube videos, photos, etc. would help them become familiar. Listening to music of that region would also be helpful. Students could even take a virtual fieldtrip to Second Life and explore it there and then compare it to the real Maya Riviera or students who couldn't go on the field trip could still join us and learn about it online. We could even have virtual meetings online regarding the trip which can also be saved for future viewing. I never realized how well you can really stay connected with others through these Web 2.0 tools and how interralated they are. Talk about truly being connected to the world!
Google Earth,
Google Sightseeing,
photo sharing,
Second Life,
virtual fieldtrip,
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