It seems like politicians and outside administrators have always tried to maintain control of the education system even though they didn't have an eduation background themselves. It also seems as if teachers receive little respect. For example, in NC teachers receive very low pay. Unless they have a spouse with a higher paying job, they will have trouble making ends meet. I know I did when I was a teacher. I couldn't even afford to teach anymore. :( Then politicians, administrators, the media, parents, and others all blame teachers for low test scores, poor student performance, and discipline problems. No one seems to hold the parents accountable nor do they take into consideration that students are all at different learning levels and abilities and some students are more motivated than others. So called "experts" and making decisions about how the education should be even though they have never stepped foot in a classroom to teach a class. What's worse is that many teachers are receiving pink slips and losing their jobs because of budget constraints even though cuts should be made elsewhere since increasing class size is one of the worst things they can do. The larger the class size, the hard it is to teach and reach all students. Many teachers are fleeing the classroom on their own accord as well out of low pay, lack of respect and frustration with the system. Teachers don't go into the profession for the money. They go into it because they love children, they love their subject area, they love teaching, and they truly want to make a difference. However, it doesn't take long for some to become very disheartened because of everything mentioned above.
That is precisely why teachers need to take the bull by the horns and gain control of the education system. The problem is too many are afraid to speak out out of fear of losing their jobs, they are too tired or busy to think about it or do anything, they aren't organized enough, and nobody seems to be stepping up to the plate to educate everyone as to how things should be and to actually work to make a change. Why doesn't anybody create a nation-wide organization for educators to promote education, to speak out against NCLB, to rally support for teachers and for education and demand some respect for once! Nobody is going to suddenly wake up and realize "Oh, we shouldn't be so mean to teachers" but rather teachers are going to have to demand the respect they deserve! If the people working the front lines don't demand respect, then who will? Nobody will fight this fight for them, and we will continue with the same ol' thing - low pay and contempt towards educators. Maybe instead of me complaining about this all the time I should stop and ask myself "Am I part of the problem or part of the solution?" and also since I hate how things are instead of complaining I should shut up and start focusing my energy on making a change. Complaining does absolutely nothing about the problem and if all we do is complain (and do like I did and quit because I couldn't afford to be a teacher) then things will never change. I don't have a right to complain if I am not working to help fix the problem. What if Rosa Parks had spent her life complaining about having to sit in the back of the bus rather than taking a stand and doing something about it? Anybody with me on this?
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