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    Sunday, September 13, 2009

    Kurzweil and the Future of Technology

    Kurzweil Videos

    Wow!  I would love to meet Kurzweil!  He definitely has some fascinating ideas.  While I knew technology was advancing at a fast pace, I never even realized but how exponentially it was growing as opposed to in a linear fashion.  I wish his predictions in the first video would come to fruition! The medical advances he was talking about would make such a difference in all of our lives. As far as computers, we still use PCs but with the development of the iphone, Droid, and the Blackberry we are definitely making strides. I still don't foresee PCs as becoming obselete just yet though. 

    I especially love the concept of Singularity University. Having a place where students and scholars can collaborate, research, and carry out their ideas is truly amazing! I would be very interested in visiting it in the next 10 or 20 years to see how their research and studies have advanced.  How refreshing it is to see so many people who are thinkers, creators, and innovators who are spreading their ideas and turning them into a reality. Concepts that many think are impossible are being made possible.  It will also be interesting to see how we, as humans, evolve over time.

    What if we truly can genetically alter the human species! Could we possibly create another type of species? Will humans be able to live for hundreds of years? Will humans gain "super-human" powers? How far will it go? All in all, his videos give me hope for a better future. His prediction that by 2010 computers would be obsolete did make me laugh though!  :-D

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